Parent organisation of Community Links, Foundation and Bridging the Gap

CBS Conversion

CBS Conversion

The 1 October was an incredible milestone for Inspire North as we are pleased to announce that the Inspire North Group Board of Trustees have approved that we commence the process to convert Inspire North into a Community Benefit Society (CBS). This is the first stage in a 2 stage process to amalgamate Inspire North, Community Links and Foundation to form ONE Community Benefit Society CBS.

This amalgamation is key to safeguarding a positive and sustainable future for the group and will enable us to deliver our services more effectively and innovatively to our clients and tenants.  A CBS is a type of not-for-profit organisation that is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority with the specific intention that it must benefit the community. CBS’s are well established in many sectors. It will be a company for charitable purposes which is exempt from registration with the Charity Commission.

From 1st October 2024 Inspire North will be a CBS. In terms of service delivery nothing will change – it will be business as usual under the newly converted CBS. We will continue to work with all our regulators, including OFSTED, CQC and RHS.  Inspire North is parent company of  Foundation and Community Links.  All three companies have converted to CBS’s from 1 October with the amalgamation being completed on 31 March 2025.